Chicago voters have elected the first members of our police District Councils

We did it!

See the newly elected names

It takes a lot to change policing.
It takes 50 years of organizing,
thousands of volunteers and
a new law that gives Chicagoans a say in
how police interact with the rest of us.
In 2021, the ordinance passed.
On February 28, we elected 66 members.
Now, let's support their work.

Empowering Communities for Police Safety
Three hands reach up to red stars with the text "CHICAGO DISTRICT COUNCILS"

See you at the District Council meetings!

Stay committed to the cause. Attend your police district council meetings  this month.

Why should you cast votes for District Councils?

Drawn people looking at the "DO IT TO CHANGE POLICING"

Policing needs to change

Many folks in our community have been harmed by police. You probably know someone who has a story. Let's do more than say their names. Let's make it our business to get informed about District Council candidates and make progress by voting on Feb. 28.
Three hand reaching up to red stars

Make room for new ideas

We can bring progressive, community-centered people and ideas to the Chicago Police Department. Yes, changing a system like this will take time, but it won't advance until we make moves now by casting District Council votes on Feb. 28.
Drawn people looking at the "DO IT TO CHANGE POLICING"

Now is the time

For decades, Chicagoans have worked to have civilian voice in policing. More than 80 organizations pushed and made progress together, and City Council passed the Empowering Communities for Public Safety ordinance in July 2021. The road was tough, but the people persevered, and City leaders agreed. Now, it's time for you to have a say in how we make Chicago safer.

Thank you

We appreciate you for visiting this site and for making a plan to learn about your district candidates and to vote. This site is provided as a public service to Chicago voters. It is managed by ONE Northside and funded by a philanthropic grant.
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What others are saying about District Councils

Two students smiling

"Young people get to have a voice"

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